
Tokyo Polytechnic University Wind Engineering Research Center was founded in 2000. Since then we have been actively engaged in educational and research-based activities and have been working together with domestic and overseas educational/research institutes. In 2003 we initiated the 21st Century Center of Excellence Program [Wind Effects on Buildings and Urban Environment], and in 2008 we initiated the Global Center of Excellence Program [New Frontier of Education and Research in Wind Engineering]. Through those programs we have amassed achievements in education and research.
In 2013 we were selected for the Joint Usage/Research Center (JURC) Program by MEXT as [Wind Engineering Research Center] and have been utilizing our facilities to actively promote more collaborative research projects based on past research results. Under the JURC Program, 13 specific research projects and 13 general research projects are currently going on..

Old Notice 2022 (Latest Notice, 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

■ 2022.12.23 Notice about 2023 Fiscal Year Joint Usage/Research Application collection starts